December 6, 2023

How to Prepare for a Commercial Cleaning Service in the Twin Cities

Maintaining a clean and hygienic work environment is essential for any business. A clean space not only creates a positive impression on customers and employees but also contributes to improved productivity, reduced absenteeism, and a healthier work environment. If you're considering hiring a commercial cleaning service in the Twin Cities, there are a few things you can do to prepare for their arrival and ensure a smooth and successful cleaning experience.

Clear the Clutter:

Before the cleaning crew arrives, take some time to declutter your office or workspace. This will make it easier for them to clean and disinfect all surfaces thoroughly. Remove any personal belongings, papers, or other items that may be in their way.

Define Cleaning Priorities:

Communicate your cleaning priorities to the cleaning service. Are there specific areas that require extra attention? Are there any special instructions or requirements you need to communicate? Providing a clear list of priorities will help ensure that the cleaning crew focuses on the most important areas.

Secure Valuables and Personal Belongings:

It's important to secure any valuables or personal belongings before the cleaning crew arrives. This could include laptops, jewelry, cash, or any other items you wouldn't want to be misplaced.

Provide Access to All Areas:

Make sure the cleaning crew has access to all areas of your workspace that need to be cleaned. This includes unlocking any locked doors or providing them with keys.

Turn off Electronics:

Turn off all electronics and unplug any appliances before the cleaning crew arrives. This will help prevent any damage from accidental spills or water.

Communicate with Your Employees:

If you have employees working on-site during the cleaning, let them know that a cleaning service will be present. This will help avoid any disruptions or confusion.

Discuss Cleaning Products and Chemicals:

If you have specific preferences for the cleaning products and chemicals used, discuss them with the cleaning service beforehand. Some companies offer eco-friendly cleaning options, which may be important to you.

Conduct a Walk-Through with the Cleaning Service:

Once the cleaning crew arrives, take a few minutes to walk through the space with them and point out any specific areas that need attention. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the cleaning service understands your expectations.

Be Available for Questions:

Make yourself available to answer any questions the cleaning crew may have during the cleaning process. This will help ensure that any concerns are addressed promptly and that the cleaning is completed to your satisfaction.

Inspect the Work Upon Completion:

Once the cleaning is complete, take some time to inspect the work and make sure that you are satisfied. If you have any concerns, let the cleaning service know so that they can address them immediately.

Additional Tips:

  • Consider a free consultation: Many commercial cleaning services offer free consultations to discuss your specific needs and provide a customized quote.
  • Check references and reviews: Before hiring a cleaning service, be sure to check their references and read online reviews.
  • Get everything in writing: Make sure to get a written agreement that outlines the scope of work, cleaning frequency, fees, and payment terms.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Service:

When choosing a commercial cleaning service, it's important to consider your specific needs and budget. Eids Cleaning & Consulting provides a variety of cleaning services to businesses throughout the Twin Cities. They are committed to providing high-quality cleaning services using eco-friendly products and sustainable practices. Eids Cleaning & Consulting is a member of the Minnesota Building Service Contractors Association and is fully insured and bonded.


By following these tips, you can help ensure that your commercial cleaning experience is a positive one. A clean and well-maintained workspace can have a significant impact on your business, so it's important to choose a cleaning service that you can trust.

I hope this blog post has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Eids Cleaning & Consulting today.

Book a call with us today to learn more about our cleaning and consultation services!